Communication style between Malaysia and Germany

Imtiaz Ali Haider
2 min readDec 15, 2018

Malaysian culture can be recognized as moderate to weak ambiguity prevention. They are usually nonviolent, soft, friendly and polite. Women are now more advanced than men in terms of education, career and position. In Malaysia etiquette is comfortable and pretty straightforward. Malaysia is known as high context culture. Physically contact is important for them. In Malaysia, punctuality at workplace is important like in a meeting the highest ranking person will arrive first and so on. To receive business card they have to use right hand and make sure that the business writing card is facing the other person. People are more relationship oriented and it plays a vital role in workplace. For that reason, nepotism can be seen in workplace. Mostly in Europe like Germany it is common to greet people with handshake to all gender. But in Malaysia, due to their numerous ethnicities and religions men cannot shake hand with women. However, Chinese and Tamil community are more open minded in terms of gender. Germans are more serious on their task and they keep their professional life from others. In German companies, they have to follow so many rules and procedures. They prefer making contracts and written agreements in steads of making personal relation. Peoples of German has high inclination to avoid uncertainty. They believe in making new rules and develop structures. For that reason they are more punctual on time. They are known for direct communicator in the world. Basis of their specific culture they always follow “between the line” and nonverbal signals.

